We are mind, body, and Spirit. All three must be aligned in order for true health to be our state. In the USA alone anxiety and depression affect nearly 40 million people yearly. When you feel bad, emotionally it only makes sense that eventually your body may follow suit. Depression can most certainly feel like a broken heart. The question is, Is it a possibility that...
Posts Tagged With 'mental health'
Anxiety is the New Depression

Anxiety has now taken over as the number one complaint among American’s when visiting their doctors. Anxiety occurs in the body when it feels like something is wrong or might be wrong or possibly could be wrong. Which ever state – it feels terrible. Anxiety puts you on edge so that you live in a state of constant almost panic and fear, often times you aren’t even...
4 Healthy Fruits to Add to Your Diet

We all know that adding a significant amount of fruits and vegetables to your diet has many health benefits. Most of these foods contain essential vitamins and nutrients that can prolong your life by preventing disease. But, if you have to choose a handful of fruits to eat during your meals, which ones would you add? We have compiled a list of six fruits that pack some punch...
Why Dogs Make Us Healthy

Dogs are called “Man’s Best Friend” for more than just their companionship. Having a dog as a pet actually provides health benefits that you might not be aware of. You will get more exercise if you have a dog as a part of your family. He’ll want to go for walks and maybe even runs. It is important that your dog gets outside and exercises. Throwing that Frisbee, taking...
Sleep and its Impact on Your Health

We all know that feeling of waking up and you feel just as tired as when you went to bed the night before. We also know that feeling of waking up feeling refreshed and energetic. This shows you how important a good night’s sleep can be for your overall well-being. When you are sleeping, you may think that your body shuts down. Actually, it is quite the opposite. Your body...