Anxiety is the New Depression

AnxietyAnxiety has now taken over as the number one complaint among American’s when visiting their doctors. Anxiety occurs in the body when it feels like something is wrong or might be wrong or possibly could be wrong. Which ever state – it feels terrible.

Anxiety puts you on edge so that you live in a state of constant almost panic and fear, often times you aren’t even logically sure of what. It is a bad feeling and one that many are turning to medical professionals to try and medicate away.

Age is no longer a factor – Anxiety is affecting everyone from children to the elderly. The number of web searches for anxiety has more than doubled over the last 5 years. This along side depression which has remained fairly static in search statistics. 

Life here in America is hectic. We are running a too fast a pace, not taking time for ourselves and being told it is selfish to stop and do so. We work 40, 50, 60+ hours a week and have insomnia, we eat processed food filled diets and watch television programming filled with horrors not even imaginable a couple of decades ago. And we wonder why most of us are anxious…

There is so much pressure to do, become, set goals, and further one’s self that many are simply caving to the pressure. Suicide rates are skyrocketing as well.

This has to stop.

Anxiety is a warning sign from our bodies. Something is wrong in our lives and it needs to change. If it is severe, talking with your doctor is a good first step. They may suggest counseling and or medication. Medication is not an answer alone – it is to be used as a band aid until the actual wound is healed or fixed in order for you to get by and remain functional in your day to day life.

If you experience panic attacks or daily anxiety, don’t just live with it. Talk to someone. Allow them to help you figure out what changes in your life need to be made so you can stop being anxious and feel calm, centered, and even happy again.

The Independent Physicians of Lee County offer a free directory to assist you in finding the help you need. Visit and search for a doctor nearby.

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