Summer Ailments – 5 Common Ones

Happy Family Jumping Together On The BeachWith summer vacations, picnics and outside sports upon us, it is important to recognize some common summer ailments that occur during the summer months. The combination of the increased heat, less protective clothing and venturing outdoors, can bring about conditions that you normally would not find during the winter.

  • Dehydration: this very dangerous condition can lead to hospitalization if the individual starts having signs of heat stroke. Heat stroke occurs when the body’s natural cooling mechanism, aka sweat, stops working. The signs of heat stroke are excessive thirst, nausea, headache, dizziness, and delusions. You do not have to have all of these signs to have heat stroke. Those who have some of these signs need to go straight to the emergency room. There, you will be re-hydrated through intravenous fluids.


  • Sunburn: common summer ailments are sunburns which occur when the sun’s rays burn the skin. The range of the burn can vary from a slight pink to skin poisoning, which can cause blisters. Most people do not realize they are being burned while in the sun’s rays because the signs of a sunburn do not fully show until about four hours after exposure. Cover up with clothing, shield yourself with an umbrella, and wear sunscreen with a high SPF to protect yourself from sunburns.


  • Swimmer’s Ear: this is caused by water becoming trapped inside of the ear canal, causing pain and swelling. Many children will get this in the summertime due to the increased amount of time spent in pools, lakes and the ocean. They may complain of pain or a feeling of their ear feeling “full”. A doctor’s visit is needed to treat swimmer’s ear since it requires a prescription of antibiotics.


  • Food Poisoning: with the increase in heat of the summer, foods that are left out for any amount of time are susceptible to bacterial growth. This, when ingested, can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. Carefully pack perishable foods for picnics and camping with plenty of ice and do not leave the food out for long periods of time in the heat.


  • Recreational Water Illness: consuming water that is contaminated with bacteria can make the individual very ill. Stomach cramps, wheezing, eye, skin and neurological problems are all possibilities when he accidentally drinks water that is contaminated. Contrary to popular belief, chlorine does not kill off all bacteria. Some strains are resistant to chlorine. Any body of water can contain harmful bacteria.


Summertime is supposed to be a fun time for families. Arming yourself with the knowledge of these common summer ailments prepares you to head off problems before they happen. Now, you can enjoy the lazy days of summer with your friends and family!

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