Posts Tagged With ''

What Can a Standard Blood Panel Reveal?

What Can a Standard Blood Panel Reveal?

When you visit your doctor for a routine yearly check-up, often times they will order a blood test and do a blood draw on you while you are at the office. While we all pretty much just accept that as normal procedure, do we really understand what it is that they are looking for and what our blood levels can tell us about our underlying health? Let’s take a look A CBC...

Posted on October 31, 2017Read More

Deviated Septum Causing You Problems?

Deviated Septum Causing You Problems?

While you may or may not recognize right off the bat that you have a deviation in your septum (a condition where the inner dividing cartilage in the center of your nose is pushed to one side or the other rather than remaining straight and in the middle as it is supposed to) if you have one, you most certainly will notice the symptoms. If you experience snoring or louder than...

Posted on October 12, 2017Read More

Sinus Issues? – Top 3 Allergy Triggers in Florida

Sinus Issues? - Top 3 Allergy Triggers in Florida

If you are experiencing seasonal allergies and you live here in SW Florida you aren’t alone. Allergy medication both over the counter and prescription are a huge seller for Floridians. Itchy eyes, watery noses, headachy feelings, and foggy thoughts are detrimental to daily life and we collectively spend millions of dollars trying to get our heads clear once again...

Posted on October 03, 2017Read More

When is an active bladder considered ‘overactive?’

When is an active bladder considered ‘overactive?’

Experiencing the urgent, overwhelming need to urinate is never a pleasant feeling, especially when it’s so sudden that you have trouble making it to the bathroom in time. Feeling the urge to “go” more often is common if you’ve been drinking fluids in excess, particularly carbonated beverages with artificial sweeteners, coffee/tea with caffeine, or alcohol. Some foods...

Posted on September 14, 2017Read More

Anxiety is the New Depression

Anxiety is the New Depression

Anxiety has now taken over as the number one complaint among American’s when visiting their doctors. Anxiety occurs in the body when it feels like something is wrong or might be wrong or possibly could be wrong. Which ever state – it feels terrible. Anxiety puts you on edge so that you live in a state of constant almost panic and fear, often times you aren’t even...

Posted on August 07, 2017Read More
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