You Need a Personal Trainer for Your Brain. Trying to think of a word? Walk into a room and forget why you are there? Lost your to do list? Miss placed your sunglasses only to find them on your head? Car keys go missing on a regular basis?Enough is enough.Many of our brains are short circuiting here in the fast-paced small attention span state of things in 2021. Why is that?...
Posts Tagged With 'health'
Fight Aging Every Step of the Way. Revitalize and Regenerate on a Cellular Level with RenovoVita
When we are young most of us don’t really think all that much about health or aging. We simply wake up refreshed, looking and feeling good. As we age, we begin to slow down a little. Our skin becomes slightly less elastic and less resilient. Fine lines may begin to show followed by actual wrinkles. It can be disarming. The thing is aging comes from cellular breakdown. As we...
An Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure

We have all heard the adage “An Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure”, but how many of us really take it to heart and make sincere efforts to proactively take care of our health? Do you have a primary doctor? Do you visit them regularly for annual exams and checkups? Or, like many American’s, do you only schedule an appointment when you already sick?...
Add Color to Your Meals for Better Health

The American Heart Association has begun a new campaign to attempt to reduce chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart conditions through diet. The initiative challenges Americans to add one additional cup of fruits or vegetables to their meal every day for better health. They claim that if a teenager begins adding more color to their diet that their risk...
Skin Brushing: Beautiful Skin and a Healthy Lymphatic System

Skin brushing is likely a health treatment you haven’t heard much about. Most of us have seen the brushes in bath stores or health food stores and assumed that they were like a loofah sponge on a stick – for scrubbing during a bath or shower to get you clean and exfoliated. Skin brushing is done on completely dry skin. It helps to activate your Lymphatic drainage...