Is It an Ingrown Toenail?

Is It an Ingrown Toenail?

It is amazing how the smallest things can cause the biggest amount of pain. One small corner of your toe hurts and it can make it difficult to put shoes on and even walk. While numerous things can go wrong with foot and toe health, the number one offender is an ingrown toenail.   An ingrown toenail occurs at the top of the toe on the corner as the nail itself begins to...

Posted on July 17, 2017Read More

Bunions – ouch…

Bunions - ouch…

Image credit: Anyone who has a bunion on their foot knows this tiny little bump can cause a heck of a lot of pain. What is a bunion? A bunion is a bone deformity where space between the big toe joint and the next toe, due to pressure over time, have a space increase. The bone actually migrates out of the proper alignment. Because of the misalignment, there...

Posted on February 09, 2017Read More