Is It an Ingrown Toenail?

ingrownIt is amazing how the smallest things can cause the biggest amount of pain. One small corner of your toe hurts and it can make it difficult to put shoes on and even walk. While numerous things can go wrong with foot and toe health, the number one offender is an ingrown toenail.


An ingrown toenail occurs at the top of the toe on the corner as the nail itself begins to grow into the flesh itself. It is often not noticeable at first. Then suddenly you begin to experience redness, swelling and even pain at the site. If left untreated infection can set in. The big toe is normally the toe this occurs in the most. Pressure from ill-fitting shoes is the most likely culprit in so far as cause.


At home treatment:


The first line of defense is to do some home care yourself. Soak your foot in warm soapy water to help soften the skin and the nail. Using a clean sharp nail trimmer, trim the nail straight across the top – do not try and taper the corners shorter. If you can visibly see the entirety of the ingrown nail, pull it out with tweezers if you are able. If you cannot see the whole nail and it goes deeper into the skin, do not try and remove it yourself or it could cause larger issues.


Once you are done, apply some Neosporin and allow your foot a few minutes to recoup before putting on shoes and socks again. Bandage if necessary. Wearing properly fitted supportive shoes, as well as dry comfortable socks, are vital for the health of your feet.


Left untreated ingrown nails can progress past infection to abscess. At the point of abscess surgical intervention may be required.


If you are looking for a good Podiatrist in Lee County, Florida we invite you to visit our free locator on the Independent Physicians of Lee County website



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