A Look at What Votiva by Forma V Could Do for You

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Ladies, we all know that as we age our bodies undergo physical changes. Our experiences in this life can have a great impact on that as well.

If you are a mother, you know the beauty and pain of childbirth are a double-edged sword. The experience changes us forever, giving us a little bundle of joy to call our own and love for a lifetime. It can also, however, influence our bodies in unwanted ways.

When you factor in one or even multiple births, as well as the natural aging process as we move into perimenopause and menopause, women can start experiencing issues such as dryness, pain during intercourse, stress urinary incontinence, visual changes as well as laxness in the vulvovaginal area.

Up till recent years, there wasn’t much you could do other than resign yourself to being less than happy with the more mature version of yourself. But now, thanks to medical advancements, you don’t have to settle for less than feeling great about yourself.

A Look at The Votiva Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment

Votiva FormaV is a non-invasive vaginal tightening treatment that rejuvenates both the external vulva area and the vaginal canal. Women concerned about the effects of age or stress-induced incontinence can now have a virtually painless non-surgical rejuvenation procedure done which helps tighten loose labia so they can feel more confident.

Wondering if You Would Be a Good Candidate?

Women of any age can benefit. If you have experienced childbirth and noticed a change in the tone, shape, or size of your vaginal area or decreased sensation during intercourse. If you are in menopause or perimenopause and are tired of dealing with dryness. If you have experienced large weight fluctuations, you may also have noticed unwanted changes to this area of your body. If so, Votiva can help.

How it Works

Votiva uses FormaV to target the tissue in and around the vaginal area. Similar technology has been used on the body and face for years with great success in tightening and toning. Votiva utilizes radiofrequency to stimulate new collagen and elastin. Concerns like wrinkling and stretched-out tissue can be addressed safely and easily with these treatments.

How Does RF (Radio Frequency) Help?

Radiofrequency ignites the cellular rebuilding of new healthy tissue structure. Fibroblasts are powerful when used in skin regeneration and are directly stimulated by RF, fibroblasts produce collagen which improves the appearance and texture of the skin.

FormaV is a unique type of RF that is utilized by the Votiva system. FormaV delivers gentle thermal remodeling of the special tissue in and around the vaginal area. Tightening of the vaginal walls, increased lubrication, and improvement of labial laxity are all direct benefits of Votiva’s RF.

The Results

Many women see improvement in incontinence in just 1 to 2 sessions with optional improvement after 3 sessions. 3 sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart also seem to be the magic number for improvement in tightening, lubrication, and greater sexual satisfaction.

Many patients report immediate improvement within 30 minutes of the first session.

Yearly or semi-yearly maintenance is suggested to hold ideal results over time.

The Experience

We can totally understand why you would be nervous, however, there is no need. This is a virtually painless procedure. What you will experience is a warming sensation.

It is important not to engage in intercourse for 24 hours prior to treatment and stop the use of all NSAIDs 3 days prior. All hair will need to be removed from the treatment area prior to arrival.

This is done in a very private med spa atmosphere confidentially. Our Eurospa all-female practitioners are excited to meet with you and discuss your goals so that the regime can be tailored to fit your specific needs.

Love Your Body Again!

Give Eurospa of Naples a call today to book your first Votiva Session. 239-591-0060. Or visit by stopping by the front desk at 1575 Naples Ridge Rd. Suite 7 Naples, Fl 34109. www.EurospaofNaples.com


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