8 Holiday Stress Busters

StressThe holidays are filled with joy and magic. At least that is what the commercials all tell us. For some it is a magical time of year, for others that may be outweighed with stress.

Pressure to socialize, travel, buy gifts, over eat, cook, deal with relatives, and be merry while doing it can get to be overwhelming if we aren’t careful.

Here are some ideas for this holiday season to keep you centered, happy and healthy.

Get outside and get some sunshine on your skin. Sunlight stimulates positive moods, boosts your immunity and helps your body produce Vitamin D. Getting even just 10 – 15 minutes of sunlight a day on your skin and in your eyes without sunglasses is important to overall health.

Take a walk. Walking involves reconnecting both sides of your brain through cross patterning. As you move your body naturally synche itself and you feel better.

Make sure you get enough rest. If you have sleep issues, try something natural such as Valerian, Melatonin or even 5-Htp which helps increase serotonin and reduce anxiety.

Say NO. You do not have to go to every party or gathering to which you are invited. Saying no and taking time to yourself to recharge, especially during hectic holiday seasons becomes vital to your overall mental wellbeing as well as your physical health. Your friends and family will understand.

Spend some time giving back to the community and to others. Nothing makes you feel better than to know you have helped someone else.

Put the cell phone away! In today’s society this is a big one. We are connected to our devices 24/7. Take a break. Turn the ringer off or power down the phone all together. Even if just for an evening.

Give gifts from the heart. Never give gifts based solely in obligation. Giving to be a true gift must be based in generosity and given with a happy heart. If you find something for someone that you feel they need or will love and it makes you feel good to get it for them? – Great! Do it! If you are buying an item just because that person is on a list you think that you “have to” buy for, you may want to rethink. Gifts are often received in the same level of feeling as they are given. Sometimes it is better to give a card and a kind word.

If you have kids. Delegate and prioritize. You do not have to do it all. Let them help you decorate the house, clean and even help make the food. It can easily become a part of the tradition in your home.

Stress can have a multitude of detrimental effects on your health. If you are feeling over stressed this season and cannot seem to manage it, please let us help. If you are searching for a doctor in the Lee county area of Florida, go to IPALC.org to conduct a FREE search.


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