Nova Oculus Partners Revolutionize AMD Treatment

If you are looking to invest in a company that has the forward vision in the field of ophthalmology, Nova Oculus Partners is the key. Their innovative team has revolutionized the treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Age-related macular degeneration affects millions of Americans. This eye condition clouds the central vision making it very difficult to do everyday tasks such as drive a car, read a book, or watch television. Contrast and colors can be affected as well. AMD causes deterioration of the central vision over time. It is the number one cause of legal blindness in adults over the age of 50 years old. Nova Oculus Partners developed this new system to help those who suffer from AMD improve their vision and slow the progression of the disease.

The treatment only takes one hour, so it can easily be performed in a physician’s office. The patient wears a special type of goggles that delivers low-level microcurrents to targeted points on the outer eye. Eyes are closed during the treatment and the currents stimulate four specific points on the eyelids. This microcurrent encourages the exchange of nutrition through the membranes of the eye, assisting in the transfer of oxygen and nutrients. It is a non-invasive treatment to help the patient’s retinal function. The medical device will be leased to medical professionals in order for them to treat their patients.

Nova Oculus Partners’ new technology is revolutionary in the optical field. This technology still needs to complete a regulatory approval process with the Federal Drug Administration. It will be the future for treating people who suffer from AMD.

Please read more about Nova Oculus Partners on our website, or feel free to call us for more information. 760-292-2812 or visit our website. We are located at 74-900 Highway 111, Suite 127, Indian Wells, California 92210.

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