How Does a Pediatrician Help Your Child?

Pediatricians are specially trained to attend to the medical and health needs of children from infancy through their teenage years.  Because children in general depend on their family for support and nourishment (both physical and intellectual), pediatricians do not only focus on the health of the children alone, but on the family overall, in order to provide a nurturing environment in which to mature.  For this reason, pediatricians are not focused on individuals the way physicians for adult medicine often are.  A pediatrician will often come to know the entire family and anyone who can impact on the health of the child.

Pediatricians must be familiar with the physical, emotional, and social development of children.  Because children of certain ages may be shy or too young to provide the kind of information a doctor needs, so pediatricians may rely on family members for that information.  In order to help facilitate understanding of the potential health concerns of the child and the understanding of what to look out for, a pediatrician may spend some time educating the child’s parents or guardians so to better facilitate their own care.  This is another way in which the pediatrician takes care of the entire family in order to better help the child.

Pediatricians are trained and educated about the physiology and medical needs of children.  Children are not small adults.  As they are developing, their bodies react differently to medicines and medical conditions than adults do.  Because of this, they will present a different set of symptoms than adults will for similar conditions.  In treatment, children require a different dosing schedule than adults for many medicines, and pediatricians understand these differences.  This is especially important for young children and newborns.

   All parents worry about their children, and pediatricians can offer peace of mind about your child by answering questions and ascertaining whether they have met the appropriate milestones in growth and development.  Many people don’t know what to expect during a child’s phases of growth, but a pediatrician can help parents ascertain the health of their children and to offer advice on how to best promote health and wellness.

  Overall, pediatricians can be integral to the growth and development of children, in maintaining health and promoting habits that can lead to a lifetime of healthy behavior.  It’s no wonder that many patients become quite attached to their pediatrician, with many fond memories.  If you’re looking for a pediatrician in the Southwest Florida area, be sure to check IPALC’s directory at for pediatricians in the area, or contact our staff at for assistance finding a physician that suits your needs.


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