Posts Tagged With ''

Emergency Room, Urgent Care or Regular Doctor?

Emergency Room, Urgent Care or Regular Doctor?

Being treated in an emergency care facility may be convenient but it also generally costs two to three times for than a standard doctor. Here are some helpful tips on how to decide if you really need to go to the ER. Call 911 immediately if you or someone else: Has stopped breathing Is choking Has sustained head injury Is passing out, fainting, or has confusion Has possibly...

Posted on March 17, 2017Read More

Do you need to visit a Gastroenterologist?

Do you need to visit a Gastroenterologist?

It is sometimes hard to know when to go visit your regular primary doctor and when you really would benefit more from a visit to a specialist. Gastroenterologists have uniquely specialized training in digestive tract conditions. Studies have reflected that higher quality more comprehensive care is administered when a Gastroenterologist is involved with treatments of GI...

Posted on February 17, 2017Read More

Cool Sculpting – Freeze Fat Away

Cool Sculpting - Freeze Fat Away

Cool sculpting is a non-invasive way to lose fat cells and shape your body.  The treatment itself was started when scientists at Harvard noticed that some children who ate popsicles got dimples in their cheeks. Dieter Manstein, MD and R. Rox Anderson, MD realized that the popsicles were freezing and killing off small pockets of fat cells. Cold can target fat cells without...

Posted on February 01, 2017Read More