Posts Tagged With 'urine'

Do you need to visit a Gastroenterologist?

Do you need to visit a Gastroenterologist?

It is sometimes hard to know when to go visit your regular primary doctor and when you really would benefit more from a visit to a specialist. Gastroenterologists have uniquely specialized training in digestive tract conditions. Studies have reflected that higher quality more comprehensive care is administered when a Gastroenterologist is involved with treatments of GI...

Posted on February 17, 2017Read More

Urine and Your Health

Urine and Your Health

Your body is a holistic system, with all its parts working together to constitute and maintain a healthy person.  So when something goes wrong with one system in your body, it will have effects on other systems.  Doctors can use these effects in seemingly unrelated areas to detect and diagnose underlying issues.  One important indication of health can be the quality of a...

Posted on October 16, 2015Read More