Your body is a machine. Over time, machine parts can wear down and need tended to. Your eyes work every day focusing and re-focusing. This can cause wear and tear over the course of many years. The eye muscle is a smooth muscle, so unlike the muscles in your arms, exercising it daily wears it down instead of building it up. Listed below are some common problems and disorders...
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Eyelid Twitches – Are They Safe?
We’ve all experienced eyelid twitches. The scenario: you have a twitch in your eyelid and it just won’t stop. It feels like everyone can see it, which is embarrassing and uncomfortable. How did you get it? When will it stop? The little flutters that you feel in the upper or lower lid of your eye from time to time is called blepharospasm. It is an uncontrollable spasm...
Concussions: Learn to Spot the Signs
Concussions are silent and dangerous. There may be a bump or cut on the head, but the serious damage may not be visible. Spotting the signs are key to knowing when to get help. First, you need to understand the definition of a concussion. A concussion occurs when there is a sudden blow, or impact, to an individual’s head. The brain gets jostled, which can cause damage to...
Endometriosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Endometriosis is a painful disease that strikes over 176 million women worldwide. It is a chronic disease in which endometrial tissue is found outside of the uterus. It can be attached anywhere inside of the abdomen, but it is sometimes discovered in other areas such as the lungs, legs and rectum. This tissue acts like the endometrium (lining of the uterus). Every month, it...