Posts Tagged With 'heart attack'

Salt’s Influence on Heart Disease

Are you an avid “salter”?   By that I mean, do you automatically reach for the salt during a meal before even tasting it? You would be surprised at just how many people have this habit. While salt is a naturally occurring substance that we need in our bodies, when consumed excessively, it can be detrimental. You may be surprised to learn that the majority of the salt...

Posted on November 15, 2018Read More

Some Facts about Heart Arrhythmia

Often people have no symptoms of a heart arrhythmia, and their doctor will be the first to notice the irregular heartbeat during a routine examination.  On the other hand, sometimes there are noticeable symptoms, but these do not always indicate a serious problem.  Heart arrhythmias can be classified by whether they originate in the atria or ventricles, or on whether the...

Posted on August 07, 2015Read More