Posts Tagged With 'allergens'

Fall Allergies in South Florida

Fall Allergies in South Florida

Have you had watery, itchy eyes lately? Do you feel like you have an on-going cold? If the “cold” lasts for more than two weeks, then you likely have allergies. Even though we are in sunny Florida and in the Fall season, allergens still abound. The summer seasonal allergies from flowering plants and bushes can last a bit longer down here than in northern states. Since our...

Posted on October 12, 2016Read More

Allergies or Sinus Infection?

Allergies or Sinus Infection?

A huge percentage of the population experience some level of seasonal allergy symptoms. This is reflected in sales of over the counter allergy and sinus medications. According to in 2014 the top 10 OTC allergy medications alone grossed close to 2 billion dollars in revenue. These nasal allergies are estimated to affect approximately 50 million people in the...

Posted on November 06, 2015Read More