Your body is a holistic system, with all its parts working together to constitute and maintain a healthy person. So when something goes wrong with one system in your body, it will have effects on other systems. Doctors can use these effects in seemingly unrelated areas to detect and diagnose underlying issues. One important indication of health can be the quality of a...
What is ALS?
ALS is short for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and is also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease because the world-famous baseball player Lou Gehrig famously suffered from it. The disease also got a lot of attention a short time ago because of the “Ice-bucket challenge” that was set up with the intention of raising awareness and donations for research into ALS. ALS is a...
Reasons to Get a Breast Augmentation
There is a lot of negative stereotyping of women who get breast enhancement surgery, with the impression that these women are superficial, or desperate for male attention. However, most women who get breast augmentation do it for personal reasons that help them in their lives. Women may do it to feel more confident in general, or because of body proportions and the fit of...
Some Facts about Heart Arrhythmia
Often people have no symptoms of a heart arrhythmia, and their doctor will be the first to notice the irregular heartbeat during a routine examination. On the other hand, sometimes there are noticeable symptoms, but these do not always indicate a serious problem. Heart arrhythmias can be classified by whether they originate in the atria or ventricles, or on whether the...
Some Causes of Heartburn
Heartburn is a painful burning sensation in the chest that affects millions of Americans every day. When stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, it can cause discomfort and pain and even damage to the esophageal walls. Some episodes of heartburn are brought on by a spicy meal, but other conditions can affect the lower esophageal sphincter, which is supposed to keep...