<strong>While having a pacemaker can save your life, it can also drastically alter your lifestyle.</strong> While pacemakers were designed to assist your heartbeat in order to help control the rhythm, typically doing so in a way that is almost entirely unnoticeable by the patient, it is important to remember that a pacemaker is still just an electronic device. An...
Abnormal EKG Readings and What They Mean For You
An EKG (electrocardiogram) is a noninvasive test that measures your hearts electrical activity. It can read all aspects including how well the chambers are conducting energy and how fast your heart is beating. Do You Need A Doctor? – Here are the signs you should seek medical help: Seek emergency medical attention if you experience: Difficulty breathing Chest pain Heart...
Depression & Heart Disease – The Link
We are mind, body, and Spirit. All three must be aligned in order for true health to be our state. In the USA alone anxiety and depression affect nearly 40 million people yearly. When you feel bad, emotionally it only makes sense that eventually your body may follow suit. Depression can most certainly feel like a broken heart. The question is, Is it a possibility that...
Your Diet’s Effect on Your Heart
Many of us don’t give all that much thought about what we eat. It’s food. We buy it because we like the way it tastes, we eat it, and that’s that. The problem is that many of the foods we enjoy the taste of do not contain the nutrients our bodies need and crave in order to function properly. While there is a lot of grey area as far as whats “good” and...
Rib cage injuries

If you have ever been unfortunate enough to have experienced an impact in the rib area hard enough that you wondered if you broke or bruised a rib you know that it can produce a pain like no other. A broken or bruised rib will feel very painful sometimes to the touch and even breathing in. It makes movement difficult as you feel muscles you didn’t even realize you had. You...