There are three different types of lung cancer: Non-small cell lung cancer, small cell lung cancer and large cell lung cancer. The type of lung cancer you have depends on the area of lung affected and its appearance. In this article, we share with you a little information about the different kinds of lung cancer. Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma Most lung cancers (80 percent) are...
Non-invasive cardiology to prevent scarring
When it comes to heart surgery of any kind many people are concerned that it will leave a visible scar. At Tampa Cardiovascular Associates we use a branch of interventional cardiology which focuses on specialized catheter-based forms of treatment. The benefits are not only a lack of a visible outer scar but also far less pain accompanied by shortened recovery times. Unlike...
How to prevent sudden cardiac arrest, and potentially save a life
Age isn’t always a deciding factor in who may or may not have an SCA or heart attack. Often very athletic younger men and women, seemingly out of the blue and in “perfect” health, can have an episode of SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest). Years back there was a 17-year-old high school tennis team captain that passed away from an SCA. While instances like this are very rare,...
What Can a Standard Blood Panel Reveal?

When you visit your doctor for a routine yearly check-up, often times they will order a blood test and do a blood draw on you while you are at the office. While we all pretty much just accept that as normal procedure, do we really understand what it is that they are looking for and what our blood levels can tell us about our underlying health? Let’s take a look A CBC...
Deviated Septum Causing You Problems?

While you may or may not recognize right off the bat that you have a deviation in your septum (a condition where the inner dividing cartilage in the center of your nose is pushed to one side or the other rather than remaining straight and in the middle as it is supposed to) if you have one, you most certainly will notice the symptoms. If you experience snoring or louder than...