Do you need to visit a Gastroenterologist?

Do you need to visit a Gastroenterologist?

It is sometimes hard to know when to go visit your regular primary doctor and when you really would benefit more from a visit to a specialist. Gastroenterologists have uniquely specialized training in digestive tract conditions. Studies have reflected that higher quality more comprehensive care is administered when a Gastroenterologist is involved with treatments of GI...

Posted on February 17, 2017Read More

Anal Fissures – The health issue no one wants to talk about

Anal Fissures - The health issue no one wants to talk about

Even though we know our doctors are there to help us, some physical ailments can be embarrassing to discuss. Anal fissures are one such topic.   An anal fissure is essentially a tear in the lining of the lower rectum at or near the sphincter. They form in response to trauma. Injury can occur from dehydration which will cause harder stools and constipation. When you strain...

Posted on December 19, 2016Read More