While you may be familiar with the more common skin disorders such as skin cancer, acne, cold sores, rosacea and psoriasis, these are far from the only conditions that are having an effect on the American population in 2017.
Skin conditions can range from uncomfortable to downright painful. They mar our smooth skin and can be socially embarrassing causing damage to our self-image. It is important to visit your dermatologist so your symptoms can be assessed and treated properly.
It is difficult to diagnose yourself many times because we are not familiarized with many of the possibilities. Without knowing what you have, you can’t know how to treat it. So, let’s go over a few lesser known skin issues.
Necrotizing Fasciitis: these areas are warm, red and sore right down to the muscle. They are bumpy and grows becoming ever more painful. Lesions may appear and ooze creating discoloration.
Cutaneous Candidiasis: Cracked, sore or red skin in the folds of your armpits or fingers. Blisters and or pustules may form.
Carbuncles: These at first may look like a pimple. They are red irritating lumps that may ooze or flake. Body aches and fever may accompany.
Cutis Laxa: This condition is genetic. It produces loose wrinkly skin with poor muscle tone. Underlying are fragile bones.
Skin Ulcers: these may form when someone is bedridden or in a wheelchair. Skin discoloration, infection and open sores can form.
Ichthyosis Vulgaris: brown and white scales that are dry and itchy and thickened accompanied by a flaky scalp.
Molluscum Contagiosum: these tiny bumps come in patches for 20 or more. They are small, flesh colored, shiny and smooth. They are firm and dome-shaped.
Pemphigoid: red rash followed by fluid-filled blisters which are thick and don’t rupture very easily. Once popped are very painful.
All of these require medical treatment in order to resolve completely. To find a Dermatologist in Lee County, Florida please visit www.ipalc.org/find to search for a practitioner near you.
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