Image credit: www.medicinenet.com
Anyone who has a bunion on their foot knows this tiny little bump can cause a heck of a lot of pain.
What is a bunion?
A bunion is a bone deformity where space between the big toe joint and the next toe, due to pressure over time, have a space increase. The bone actually migrates out of the proper alignment. Because of the misalignment, there is increased pressure and friction when wearing shoes. Visually your foot shows a bulge on the joint where the big toe connects to the foot itself.
What does a bunion feel like?
Bunion pain is sometimes hard to distinguish from possible gout. The pain is in the joint, ranges from mild to severe and sometimes feels hot and gives a burning sensation. It can become hard to walk properly and wearing shoes may hurt. Tissue may be red and very tender around the joint.
How are bunions treated?
- Wearing properly fitting shoes
- Sticking to flats – not high heels
- Taking anti-inflammatory medications
- Eating an anti-inflammatory diet
- Elevation
- Ice
- Custom made orthotics worn inside of all shoes (removable, only one pair is needed)
- Splinting (worn only while seated and resting) can help alleviate pressure and give some relief
Bunions pain may come and go for years. It may at times feel just fine. The bump will still be there, but in wearing proper footwear and corrective orthotics and doing home care can help stop the pain and the progression of the severity of the bunion.
If the pain is chronic and will not go away your Podiatrist may recommend surgery to correct the alignment of the toe permanently.
You don’t have to live with pain. Talk with your doctor to find the right solution for your foot health needs. To find a board certified Podiatrist in Lee County, FL please visit www.ipalc.org/find.
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