Medical condition hallux valgus, bunion in foot.
In medical terminology, a bunion is a Hallux Valgus. It’s an enlargement of the bone and or tissue around the bottom of the big toe. In turn this pushes the big toe out of alignment and causes it to slant towards the second toe.
Though attributed mainly to ill fitting higher healed shoes (and rightly so – women account for 90% of all bunions) men do also get bunions. They are sometimes hereditary.
As for footwear – specifically high heels:
Many women wear heels daily as well as when going out on the town because they are fashionable. Shoes are an obsession for many. They come in an endless array of styles and colors and they make your legs look good and you feel more feminine.
So, what’s the downside?
Feet simply are not built to take the daily stress and pounding while so far out of proper alignment, especially day after day, year after year. When you raise up your heal 3”, 4”, 5”, even 6” the ball of your foot takes on more and more pressure placing all of your body weight directly on it.
Bunions form because your big toe has been pushed sideways up against your other toes because of the way shoes are shaped, coming to a point rather than a wide box. Over time and repeated wear and tear the abnormal position enlarges the big toe joint, causing even more crowding and leading to pain. Foot pain can range from mildly annoying to debilitating where you cannot stand or walk comfortably. They can also form, not only because of heels, but also can be an inherited defect so if your mother or grandmother has this issue be extra careful with your feet.
The best advice is to wear heels sparingly, if you must wear them at all. Save them for special occasions or when you go out.
If you already have this issue here are a few suggestions:
1. The most obvious – find more comfortable flatter shoes and stop putting pressure on that joint.
- Get a good pair of orthotics (custom shoe inserts) to wear in your shoes to keep your feet in proper position and alignment to heal.
- Ice, elevation and rest usually help.
- You can buy big toe braces, which can be worn while relaxing with your shoes off. They pull the toe back into proper alignment and alleviate stress and tension in the joint.5. Cypress Essential Oil used daily helps to alleviate pain in the joint. When used on a regular basis can all but eliminate it. *It does not offer immediate pain relief.
6. Your doctor may also recommend steroid injections and in extreme cases surgery which will permanently re-align the bone.
We don’t think about our feet or their health as much as we should. Next time you reach for that cute pair of heels you will be doing so better informed. It also is highly beneficial to consult with a Podiatrist in order to keep your feet in tiptop shape.
If you are looking for a Podiatrist here in Lee County Florida please visit www.IPALC.org and click search!
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